I. Registered users must produce valid Leads Law College ID cards when borrowing materials. II Borrowing must be done in person at the library circulation desk. II. Overdue books will not be reissued till the fine is paid. III.Reference material & CDs, are not to be issued. IV. Project, Thesis, Pamphlets, and Periodicals cannot be checked out, and can only be consulted within the library. V. Books already checked out by some other user can be reserved, if the books are not collected within two days, the reservation will be cancelled. VI. If a member misplaces a book/ Library material and cannot find it after a thorough search, he/she must report to the library immediately to avoid overdue fine. VII.Mutilation of library material is a matter of disciplinary action. Books accidentally damaged should be reported so that suitable assessment can be made & damages paid. VIII. Books may be renewed in person at the circulation desk, provided they are not required by another user. IX. The library staff may recall, or with hold the circulation of a book in the library at any time if required for special purposes. X. If you are unable to find any material you require, feel free to contact library staff.